New PCHH Providers Behavioral Health Consultant Training Webinar 2016 On-line (July 2016) | - eSBIRT Use and Certification - Hile (pdf, 687kB)
| CMHC Healthcare Home Team Webinar 2015 On-line (January 2015) | - Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment with eSBIRT ('ēz'birt) - Hile (pdf, 768kB)
| New Provider Webinar 2014 On-line (September 2014) | - eSBIRT Use and Certification - Hile (pdf, 571kB)
| MOSBIRT Retreat 2013 Columbia (August 2013) | - An Overview of Abuse and Addiction - Turner (pdf , 352kB, mp3)
- Medication Assisted Treatment for Substance Abuse in Primary Care - Vinson (pdf, 267kB, mp3)
- Perfecting Motivational Interviewing Skills: How to apply MI in Primary Care - Cronk (pdf, 357kB, mp3)
- eSBIRT Update - Hile (pdf, 523kB, mp3)
- eSBIRT: Meeting the need - Hile (pdf, 237kB, mp3)
- eSBIRT: How to site performance report - Hile (video)
- The Long and Winding Road: Five Years of MOSBIRT - Adkins (pdf, 1.2MB, mp3)
- SBIRT: The Future - Turner
- (pdf, 12kB)
- (Leesons Learned, mp3)
- (Stories, mp3)
- (What's Next, mp3)
|  | Initial training Jefferson City (10-12, April 2012) | MOSBIRT - June 22nd Conference call (mp3)
- Introduction - Keehn (slides, handouts)
- Epidemiology and Evidence - Horwitz (slides, handouts)
- Interview Guide - Adkins (slides, handouts)
- eSBIRT Introduction - Hile (slides, handouts)
- Sample Personal Feedback Report (handout)
- Brief Education - Horwitz (slides, handouts)
- Training Manual (pdf, 9MB),
- Implementation Checklist (doc, 48kB),
- Follow-up Protocol (doc, 2MB)
- Motivational Interviewing - Dugan (ppt, 2MB)
| | Behavioral Health - Overview of Patient Centered Health Home - Herman (slides)
- BHC Model - Margolis (slides)
- BHC in Practice - Aatre-Prashar (slides)
- BHC in Practice - Aatre-Prashar (slides)
- Smoking & Asthma - Aatre-Prashar (case example slides)
- Anxiety and Depression - Pollard (slides)
- Cardiovascular - Prentice (slides)
- Obesity - Flanery (slides)
- Adherence Strategies - Margolis (slides)
- Diabetes - Prentice (slides)
- Clinical Volume - Margolis (slides)
- BHC Resource Development - Prentice (slides, handout)
| | | Jefferson City (13-14, March 2013) | Behavioral Health - Care Path Intro - Aarte-Prashar (slides)
- Asthma Care Path - Aatre-Prashar (slides)
- Diabetes Care Path Example - Prentice (slides)
- Managing Primary Insomnia in Primary Care - Margolis (slides)
- Behavioral Activation - Pollard (slides)
- Forms for Behavioral Activation (slides)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Aarte-Prashar (slides)
- Stragtegies to improve Care Management for High Utilizers - Prentice (slides)
- Collaborative Approaches to Pharmaceutical and Psychological Treatment - Byrnes (slides)
- Ethical Challenges - Prentice (slides)
- Add a patient or a new prescreen (wmv / mp4, 00:09:20, 16 MB)
- Record a service - Brief Education(wmv, 00:03:06, 30 MB)
- Record a service - Brief Coaching (wmv, 00:05:25, 44 MB)
- Record a service - Referral Activities (wmv, 00:02:56, 16 MB)
- Get your site's performance report (wmv - 00:02:32, 28 MB)
Standard Drink Card | English, Spanish | PreScreen | English, Spanish | ASSIST | English, Spanish | AUDIT-C | English, Spanish | GPRA | English, Spanish | Attitudes | English, Spanish | Readiness To Change | English | Follow-up and Locator Form | English | All instruments | English (zip, 826kB), Spanish (zip, 749kB) | | | CRAFFT | (screen children younger than 18) | Staff administered | English, Spanish (other languages) | Self-administered | English, Spanish (other languages) |